As we write this, the current unemployment numbers are not great; one in six Americans are currently unemployed. It’s an unsettling time, but there are some opportunities for unemployed workers to expand their skillsets while they’re waiting on their next big thing.
It’s a good time to brush up on old skills and develop new ones. Even before the pandemic, the world was changing. Automation was cutting out manual processes and the digital transformation was disrupting almost every energy. If you’re at home looking for work right now we have some suggestions for new skills you can learn so that when employers are hiring again you will be at the top of the list as the best candidate.
Interested in Reskilling? Here Are the In-Demand Jobs
We know that learning new things can seem scary or risky, but there are a few jobs of the future that, if you prepare now, will be there when you have the skills in hand.
Artificial intelligence has emerged as the number one data job to prepare for in the future. AI is a type of data science that has a number of categories within it. If you’re seeking to reskill you could select machine learning, which is a type of computer algorithm that allows your device to “learn” and adapt to your behaviors. Or, you could select natural language processing, which is the computer algorithm that recognized and responds to the human voice. While these are just two areas within AI, both are good to explore as in-demand jobs for the future.
Sample classes to take:
Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Machine Learning
Big Data in the Age of AI
UX Design
UX Design is a computer-driven artistic career that focuses on creating digital interactions with consumers that engage them. Organizations will seek UX designers in the future to help them attract and retain more customers.
Sample classes to take:
Getting Started in User Experience
Interaction Design: Software and Web Design Patterns
Business Analyst
Business analysts will be high in-demand in the coming years. This role stems from our need to now use the data we’ve been collecting from consumers for the past decade. BA’s will help drive strategic decision making in the coming years.
Sample classes to take:
Data Analytics for Business Professionals
Business Analysis Foundations
Traditional advertising is being replaced with affiliate marketing, which leverages digital influencers to build a brand. Instead of placing an online ad, companies partner with web influencers who then promote the brand to their audiences. If you’ve been laid-off from your marketing job, this is a good area to reskill in.
Sample classes to take:
Improve SEO for Your Ecommerce Site
Influencer Marketing Foundations
Everyone needs salespeople; if you have these skills, you’re much more attractive to a hiring manager, whether you are a product manager or an account rep. It’s a good time to work on these skills to add to your resume.
Sample classes to take:
Social Selling Foundations
Sales Enablement
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