Searching for a new hire is incredibly time-consuming. If you get it wrong, the cost of a bad hire can go beyond the monetary and into reputation damage to your customers. It can harm your existing employees and create a ripple of negativity that hampers productivity. That’s why companies turn to staffing agencies to improve their hiring process and find the right people fast. Here are six ways staffing firms can find you the right people to join your team.
#1 Flexibility in Hiring
Today’s companies have varying employment needs. Firms like A.C.Coy can help you find qualified full-time workers and contract laborers to help you staff up quickly when the need arises. There’s a lot of marketplace uncertainty that impacts hiring trends. Finding a qualified, experienced staffing agency can help you adapt quickly to a changing marketplace.
#2 Reduced Costs
Letting a staffing agency post your job ads and use their ready-made database of qualified candidates will save you money in both time and advertising costs. Every hour you spend sorting resumes could be spent focusing on other things. What would you do with that extra time?
#3 Finding Better Candidates
How much time does your HR team spending finding candidates? If you’re like a lot of companies, you end up hiring intermittently; this is not the full-time expertise of your HR team who splits their time between everything from orientation and training to employee reviews, payroll, and so many more things all day long. A staffing agency like A.C.Coy concentrates on just one thing; finding you the top candidates to fit your job opening.
#4 Increased Productivity for Your Whole Team
The longer a job stays open, the more of a drain on the rest of the team to pick up the slack. A staffing agency reduces your time to hire, which increases the productivity for not only your HR team but also the department with the job vacancy.
#5 Better Workers, Better Morale
The quality of the people you hire affects your current employees. If you can find and hire the top level of talent, you will improve morale and productivity on your team. In addition to a great worker with the skills you need to get the job done, the quality of new employees must be a culture fit. A.C.Coy can help you find a better quality of worker to improve the teams that matter to your business.
#6 Provide Industry-Specific Expertise
A.C.Coy can provide you with insider expertise in your industry. It helps us attract a better quality of candidate because we speak their language. The best staffing agencies specialize in specific markets and industries which makes them more efficient.
These are real benefits offered to A.C.Coy clients. Talk to our team today about how we can help improve your hiring process.