Hiring During High Unemployment – How a Staffing Firm Can Help You Navigate 2020 and Beyond

A.C.Coy News

Hiring During High Unemployment – How a Staffing Firm Can Help You Navigate 2020 and Beyond

With unprecedented unemployment numbers, sorting through resumes can be a daunting task, much like finding a needle in a haystack. A staffing firm is essential for accurately connecting you with the right talent. 

Today our HR teams are experiencing a lot of challenges. They had to scramble to accommodate a remote workforce and set up new protocols for cleanliness and social distancing for their in-house workforce. Now, we have unprecedented unemployment numbers so that every advertisement brings in dozens of resumes. How can a staffing agency help companies during times of high unemployment?

Challenges of HR During COVID 

Forming a strategic alliance with a company like A.C.Coy means you have a partner to free up time for your HR team. Your company is likely overwhelmed with the huge influx of tasks that have been tacked on since COVID-19 hit. Consider the following: 


  • Workforce planning has overwhelmed other tasks. HR teams responsible for remote workers struggle to make sure their employees remain engaged even when off-site. Working with managers to be sure teams are evaluated properly on their productivity and other KPIs is a full-time job. Furloughs, reduction in force, and rehiring all take time and energy.


  • Regulations are evolving rapidly and HR teams must stay on top of everything from federal stimulus monies related to hiring to local rules for social distancing. When employees are in different locations, how does this affect regulatory rules? It’s a confusing, stressful time.


  • Moving quickly to address hiring needs is difficult when you have all these other priorities piling up, but that is what HR teams are being expected to do today. Staying on top of employees’ needs is tough enough; your HR teams are also expected to move quickly to hire or lay off employees as the market shifts. But with unemployment so high, one job opening can flood them with resumes that they simply don’t have enough time to review.


All of these tasks are admittedly a lot. HR teams are working hard to try to respond to employees, but somewhere in there, they must also find a way to take care of themselves. How can companies provide HR teams with additional resources at a time when they are spread entirely too thin?

Preparing for 2021 with a Staffing Agency

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) says, “For many HR professionals at small businesses, the past few months have been like trudging through a hurricane with a leaky umbrella.” 

 The COVID-19 pandemic has driven companies to form new partnerships to survive, and for some, to thrive during this crisis. Isn’t it time your company sought additional resources for overburdened HR teams dealing with this crisis? A staffing agency is a partnership your HR team needs now to improve their efficiency and lessen the stress they’re surely feeling.

With unprecedented unemployment numbers, sorting through resumes can be a daunting task, much like finding a needle in a haystack. A staffing firm like A.C.Coy is essential for accurately connecting you with the right talent. We can free up HR teams to focus on all the other tasks necessary to keep your business functioning well this winter. 

Talk with our team today and prepare your HR teams for the challenges that we’ll see in 2021. 

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